Stéphanie TRISTRAM (EI)
Sophrologue RNCP - Énergéticienne -
Praticienne en massage bien-être
Stéphanie TRISTRAM (EI)
Stephanie Tristram, sophrologie, energétique, massage à Nantes
Sophrologue RNCP - Énergéticienne -
Praticienne en massage bien-être

Particuliers - Entreprises - Évènementiel

Stéphanie TRISTRAM, sophrologist, energy therapist, massage practitioner - Welcome on my website

If you suffer from stress, lack of energy, if you are going through a difficult period, I will help you to find balance and serenity.

Sophrology and relaxation

What is sophrology ?

Sophrology allows, thanks to breathing, relaxation and visualisation techniques, to soothe physical and mental tensions and to project oneself positively in the future. It provides effective help in managing stress, pain, emotions, and helps to strengthen self-esteem and self-confidence.

The practice of sophrology also helps with personal development. It leads to better self-knowledge, and helps to front the challenges of life with calm and serenity, repositioning yourself, while remaining in touch with others. Sophrology then becomes an art of living.


Why consult ?

if you are going through a difficult period, or if you want to prepare for a change.

If you feel stress and anxiety

  • To relax, reduce anxiety
  • To Get back to sleep
  • To take a step back to face situations with calm and serenity

In case of fatigue and discouragement

  • To revitalise
  • To reconnect to your personnal values and enable new answers to emerge
  • To (re)gain selfconfidence
  • To overcome fears and blockages

Accompanying an illness

  • To relieve stress related to illness
  • To help with pain management
  • To boost vital energy
  • To plan mentally and physically towards healing
  • As a  complement to medical care Sophrology provides effective help in supporting serious pathologies, for the patients and their relatives

To prepare for an event

  • Child birth
  • Exams
  • Sporting events

To prepare to a change in your life

  • To find the strength to overcome difficulties
  • To facilitate the transition
  • To anchor yourself in a more serene present
  • And plan towards a positive future

How do sessions work ?

Each session lasts around 1 hour

The first session is devoted to an interview during which you explain your difficulties. It allows me to get to know you better and to identify how I can best help you. It ends with a short practice.

I then prepare a personalised support program, which I submit to you during the second session.

The following sessions are devoted to the practice of breathing exercises, dynamic and static relaxation.

At the end of each session, I will send you materials so that you can practice exercises at home.

All the sessions can be held on line (WhatsApp or Skype video call)

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Energy therapy

What is energy therapy ?

Energy therapy or energetics, is a comprehensive body approach aimed at restoring our physical and psycho-emotional balance. I work with the body's energy fields, making adjustments in order to oberall enhance health and well-being. My tools include : 

- Techniques inherited from ancestral traditions :

  • Chakras harmonisation with cristals, colours and sounds
  • Acupressure to rebalance and allow life energy to flow freely throughout the body

- Manual therapy : 

  • Craniosacral breathing
  • Release of abdominal tensions
  • Tissue vibration, which is a gentle technique that involves lifting blockages and releasing tensions throughout the body by vibrating bones, muscles and tendons

- And advises in natural remedies which work both on the physical and on the emotional areas (plants, Bach flowers, essential oils)

 I adapt these tools to your needs, based on an assessment made at the start of the session.


Why consult in energetics ?

- In the event of physical or psycho-emotional difficulties : pain, stress, anxiety, insomnia, tiredness, addictions, lack of confidence, digestive problems, skin problems, symptoms that prevent you from being well and/or disturb your relationships with others. These disorders can be the result of a lack of energy or of a blockage of the energy flow in a part of the body.

- In a preventive way, when seasons change, in order to optimize your vital energy flow and to live these changes well.

How do sessions work ?

Each session, which lasts between 1 hour and 1 hour 15 minutes, takes place in three stages:

- An interview, which allows you to take stock of your request, your areas of tension and/or developments since the previous session, as well as to draw up an energy assessment.

- An energy practice during which you lie fully clothed on a massage table. During this session, I use the appropriate tools based on the assessment carried out beforehand.

- And a time of advice. During this phase, I offer you advice on diet, natural remedies and lifestyle, optimizing the benefits of the sessions.

The sessions can be held remotely. The interview at the start of the session takes place by telephone or video call (WhatsApp, Skype). Then I carry out the practice while you are confortably seated at home and I call you back at the end of the session for a debriefing and advice time.

Well-being massages

Intuitive massage

Intuitive massage is an oil massage over the entire body. It is based on listening to the body and adapting the practice to the specific needs of the person. It brings deep relaxation, soothes tensions and improves vital energy.

Using my energetics skills, I adapt to offer a "tailor-made" relaxing, energizing or harmonizing massage.


Energy massage

Energy massage is an intuitive massage to which I add, at the end of the session, a chakras harmonisation, using cristals, colors and sounds.


Chinese massage

Chinese massage or Chrong Maï is a mix between massage and energy care.  It aims to boost  vital energy and to foster inner connection. Its technique is centered on acupuncture meridians (kidney, bladder, Chrong Maï), and alternates between dynamic and gentle maneuvers. Both energizing and soothing, it is indicated in times of heavy tiredness, burn out, recovery, after childbirth, emotional shock, or to help in decision-making. It can also be an aid to procreation due to its action on the urogenital sphere. It is recommended to receive it three times to maximize its effects.


Amma chair massage

Amma Chair massage is performed on an ergonomic chair. It provides, in about twenty minutes a deep relaxation as well as a boost of energy. A chair massage focuses on your back, shoulders, neck, arms, and hands which are the main areas affected by exposure to stress. The pressures on specific points of the body, associated with light sweeps, kneading and percussions, provides, in addition to relaxation, energy rebalancing. The recipient is seated and fully clothed. Chair massage can be performed in the workplace or in activity areas such as airports and offices as it only requires a 4 m² area.


Korean relaxation

Korean relaxation provides deep muscular relaxation, release of joint tensions and mental calming. It is practiced on the foor, clothed, on a mat. The technique alternates between limb's vibrations and massage maneuvers.


Corporate workshops

Well-being workshops contribue to the improvement of the quality of life at work. 

They are tailor-made and can include :

  • Chair massage
  • Korean relaxation
  • Sophrology
  • Practice of Chinese self-massages or Do In
  • Or any combinaison of sophrology and energetics techniques designed to address specific needs, such as stress management, vital energy enhancing, team building, etc.

The benefits for both the company and the staff are :

  • An increase in vitality
  • A better stress mangement
  • A greater self-confidence
  • An increase in motivation
  • A greater creativity 
  • A strenghtened cohesion
  • A reduction in absenteeism
  • Gains in efficiency and productivity
  • The prevention of psycho-social risks
  • A positive impact on the Company image
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Click below to see the price lists, at my practice or within your company.

How to contact me ?

Any questions, need for further information ?

Who am I ?


After a 20-year career in business, I chose to retrain a few years ago in order to align with my values ​​and aspirations.

Passionate about people, I wanted to help.

Alongside my professional activity, I began a process of research into the different support disciplines and after years of reflection, reading, exploration, meetings with therapists, personal preparation, I decided to go for it.

I gradually trained in energy therapy, anatomy and physiology, aromatherapy, well-being massages and sophrology, at the Cassiopée Institute in Chatou (78).

I now offer comprehensive support on the path towards well-being through a wide range of techniques which I adapt to specific demands and needs.

My personnal and professional experience, in addition to my personnal  activities (sport, meditation), give me a good understanding of the stress issues within companies, of the difficulties encountered by athletes in their preparation or recuperation, as well as the difficulties of finding one's true place.

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